Sunday, October 10, 2004

Montignac to Thonac (eventually)

After a hearty breakfast we set off on our hike not knowing if the day would warm up from the 50 or so it started. We found the caves of Lascaux with minimal problem as Lin was initially adept at deciphering ambiguous directions. Our tour was in French which Bill followed reaonably well. The visual aids the guide used were useful in focusing on the cave pictures he was describing. After the tour Bill was down to tee shirt and shorts and Lin shed her scarf from her jeans, shirt, sweater ensemble. We strode smartly through what we thought to be the designed hike. After some creeping uncertainty we became aware that we had pretty much gone in a circle. Not to be defeated we found an alternative course along the Vezere river that got us to Thonac 15 minutes before the. 5 o'clock pickup. We were not disqualified from the Amazing Race.


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